The beautiful sisters Kathika and Thulasi, who are currently raiding the South Indian film industry, being noticed Were too happy to catch up with each other, at the Latter's shooting spot. Thulasi is currently shooting for Ravi K. Chandran for his next movie 'Yaan', co-starring Jiiva. "It was lovely meeting my sister on the sets of her upcoming flick Yaan. I accidentally landed up at the shooting spot on my way to meeting a designer." Karthika says. She added That She misses catching up with her sister, Given Their busy schedules, but for Which They love spending time together. Also Kathika is proud of her sister who is Thulasi Both Able to balance acting and studies well.
Karthika is currently shooting a Kannada movie, in Bangalore. She said "I am Done with the shoot for my K-Town flick. Deal. I have signed a couple of Kannada projects recently. I am really looking for the shoot here though I do not know the language much."
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